Friday, July 13, 2012

July 8th.

One important thing I forgot to mention; yesterday, while in Bethlehem, we stopped at the "House of Bread" pizza restaurant. The pizza was great, served to an entire bus load of us pilgrims, by a wonderful Christian family. Bethlehem is in the West Bank, home to the Palestinians. The Lord has given them a passion for the Palestine families caring for children with heart disease. Many do not have access to basic health care, let alone the ability to deal with congenital heart disease (CHD).
To operate a charity; they had to have a business for supporting it; hence the restaurant. If you want more information on their ministry, they are: 1 New Heart, and can be seen at

Sunday, July 8th, began with a group of us going to St. Anne's Church. We heard there was going to be a French, Catholic service there. You may remember, this is the church with wonderful acoustics. We were the only people there, besides the Priests and Sisters; so they brought us right up there with them. They were wonderful to us, but I was already uncomfortable not speaking French and unfamiliar with a Catholic Mass, so I left. I spent a wonderful, peaceful, time God in the the church garden.

After the Mass, I heard the others singing, so I went back in to record them. We took some pictures and left, looking for a certain store, but never found it.

From one to three PM, we had a lecture about " The Archeology of 2nd Temple Jerusalem," given by Dr. Gabriel Barkay. I am sorry to say, I slept through much of the lecture; the trip caught up with me.

We finished the day with a walk through the Western Wall tunnels. Our guide was a gifted show person, passionate about her subject, but also entertaining. There is so much information to absorb.
I am grateful we live now, a period with information available at the hit of a button. Please look up the Western Wall if you desire more information. Thank you.

One of many things that made a large impression on me; when the guide talked of how the Jews would prepare themselves before going up to the Temple. They first spent time in the cleansing of their mind and spirit before going to worship God. God has put that on my heart for some time now. I want my prayer time to truly be worship time; to pray as Jesus taught us to, to really spend quality time with our Holy God, the great I Am. I want to wait upon His voice, to spend time to listen for Him. I do not want to be blaze' again about my time with God.

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