Monday, July 16, 2012

July 12th

Breakfast at Ein Gev, along with our resident chicks, then a short bus trip to a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. The water was so calm, as we studied and looked about us.

Fish? Really?

"Let them give thanks to the Lord"
Psalm 8 and Psalm107


Heading from the Sea of Galilee, about a third of the way from the top, to Jericho, which sits just above the Dead Sea, towards the bottom of the map.

The Jews avoided Samaria whenever possible, and would take a circuitous route to reach Jerusalem. Remember what the "Sons of Thunder" wanted to do, when the Samaritans refused Jesus travel through Samaria?  Luke 9:51. They were told  "Down boys" (extremely paraphrased)

We had it so easy on the bus; these people really worked hard just to survive.

The land was very valuable as a center for the trade routes. After all the politics, Octavian gives this land to Herod, and yes, he built another retreat here. What a guy!

Notice the mouth? He's upset, but why is he looking at me?

Luke 18:18 and Luke 3:7 are two stories with parallel themes. It is all about sharing; taking care of others; being just!

We stopped for lunch at a shopping oasis. Right behind it is a national park, the area where the walls of Jericho were knocked down. We did not go there; that was the Old Testament, a different class. I did take some pictures from the parking lot though.


Jerusalem - the Mount of Olives.
Where Jesus wept over the city.
Where Absalom chased David out of the city as the people wept and also the way David triumphantly returned, as the people rejoiced.
Jeremiah 7:2
Ezekiel 10:4; 10:18; 11:23

Jesus came up from Jericho, and told them to bring a colt. (Mt. 21.1). Imagine the Roman soldiers hearing all the clamor about a King; is this a new uprising? The clamor from the crowd is over a man riding on a colt?  Think about their time period; a colt signifies peace while conquerors ride in on horses.

Psalm 118:25 and Psalm 8:2.


Dominus Flevit: a Franciscan Church - the site where Jesus wept.  Luke 19: 37-42.


The Church of All Nations, also known as the Church or Basilica of the Agony.

Luke 22:39 and John 18:1.

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