Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 11th.

Kursi (Gergesa)

See Mt. 8:28 and Mark 5:1. There are slightly different spellings, but this location fits geographically better than the other.

Why did he tell the man to "go tell of the mercy shown him?" Was it the difference that the area was politically Hellenistic, rather than Jewish?  The Jewish Nation wanted a hero to rescue them from Rome; they were ready for a revolution. Jesus was bringing in a totally different Kingdom. ( See John 6:15)

Luke 15. Keep thinking of layers and the Jewish mindset in these three parables; the lost sheep, the lost coin and the (lost) Prodigal Son. Deut.30:1; Jer.3:12; and Malachi 3:7 all speak of return and restoration.

Jesus ate with sinners, for who needed Him? God, the Father, has always reached out to the lost, for who has need of Him?

In the distance, could this be the hill where the pigs went into the sea?


Gamala - situated on a rough ridge; making it difficult to attack. This is another story of the people revolting against Rome (66AD), which led to their slaughter.

Look at the next picture for the people on the trail; you might see why I wimped out on this walk too.   :)


On the road to Caesarea Philippi, we passed through the an area once occupied by Syria; we saw signs warning of land mines, an overturned tank, and bullet holes in some abandoned buildings. There are UN forces out in the distance, but beyond our sight. Ruth was able to take a picture of the Syrian flag, way in the distance. From the bus, I took some pictures of snow on a mountain, Druze homes and a Crusader's fort.


Caesarea Philippi is on the road to Damascus - somewhere along this road is where Saul is asked by Jesus, "why are you persecuting me?"

The area is mixed about equally between Hellenism and Judaism. The cave is part of Pan worship, and was thought to be the gate of Hades.

Read Mt. 16:17. Binding and losing is actually the ability to interpret Torah.

"Yoke" equals a Rabbi's interpretation. In Mt.11:30. Jesus says " for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."  What does that mean to you?

Is. 42:10. 


Crusader Fortress and waterfalls.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Chuck. This will be a lifetime book of rememberance.
