Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 4th.

Long days and some electrical outages at the hotel have kept me from posting the past few days; now it should be okay.

Happy belated birthday USA. On the fourth, we had part two of the Herodian Field study. The largest portion was a visit to the Wohl Archeology Museum. The opportunity to dig in the Old City does not normally happen; people have lived there for centuries, and cannot be asked to move for archaeological studies. During the 67 War, a large part of the Jewish quarter was destroyed. Once the war ended, the opportunity to dig became available for a short period. The results are a museum built over amazing homes discovered from the period of Herod the Great (37-4 BC.)  The size of the homes and the palatial amenities amazed us. No picture were allowed; check out their web site.

We also stopped at St. Anne's Church; a church from the Crusader period. The acoustics are wonderful, and many were able to raise there voices to our God in song. Very close by is the Bethesda Pool; where it is believed to be the site where Jesus healed a paralytic (John 5:1-15).
There is also the remains of a Byzantine Church located next to the pools.

At night, there was a birthday party for two of our group of pilgrims; Teresa and Holly. Two of the group had fun looking for a cake; they had it decorated in red, white and purple (closest to blue they could find). Instead of candles, they found sparklers to celebrate the three birthdays.

1 comment:

  1. We are so enjoying what you have to share. Fortunatly we have no new news to share, Which could be bad. Everything here is the same. It was in the 90's today. You know Spokane is stays winter, then summer comes the next day. kirby is haveing trouble sending you messages. Of course I don't know if your getting them.
