Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 9th

We all had to pack last night. We are on the way to Galilee, this morning, and will be moved to the Gloria Hotel on our return. Our first stop was at a wilderness viewpoint. To think that Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, all were here, and that Jesus spent 40 days in this wilderness. Malachi 3 and 4 leads to Matthew.
Verses: Matt.3:1;  Look at the clothing worn in John:4 and Elijah's clothing in 2 Kings1:8. There are layers upon layers; the OT pointing to the NT.


Next stop is Scythopolis. A farmer was plowing his field, in 1987, when he hits something. Archaeologists were brought in and this is when Scythopolis was discovered. We could see the valley now, but the dirt was level with the taller ground when the farmer made the discovery. Luke 17:11, the story of the ten lepers, could have occurred near here; the road from Samaria to Galilee.


Nazareth. Luke 4:16. Jesus comes to his home town. Even though they marveled at His words, they still rejected Him. Luke 4:24 - And he said, " Truly, I say to you, no prophet is acceptable in his home town.".  Read Matt.12:38. While some still ask for signs, yet the gentiles recognized the truth and repented.
There is so much we have been taught; so much we need to learn and pass on. 


Before we reach the Sea of Galilee, we have one last stop; Sepphoris. We looked at a Roman Villa; you can see pictures of the mosaic there. The air conditioning was off and the place was an absolute SAUNA; being a wimpy tourist, rather than a scholar, I could not stay inside there long. Many of us went on to the Crusader Tower, then all went to the Synagogue.

After learning of the mosaics at the Synagogue; Danielle enlightened many of us. She pointed out some different sayings in Scripture and asked us where they came from?
Luke 4:23.  Physician heal thyself
Mt.    7:15. Wolves in sheep's clothing
Luke 7:24.  A reed shaken by the wind?
Mt. 11:17.  We played the flute for you, and you did not dance: 

She fooled most all of us. All these sayings were written by Aesop, the writer of Aesop's Fables.
Jesus was using the language and stories that were common knowledge to the people of the area. He talked with them on their level, using themes common to them. We need to do similar, even now.

Our first views of the Sea of Galilee and the sun setting behind the cliffs of Arbel.

1 comment:

  1. I just can't imagine, looking at some place Jesus stood. We are at Stoneridge, and Mckenna is enjoying listening. Love you and will make a trip over in August to hear all about it. Love you
