Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 10th.

We made it to the Ein Gev kibbutz last night; it's very hot and humid here.

Our first stop was the cliffs of Arbel. Herod's entire army was here trying to route the Zealots. The Zealots were pushed back except for some that hid in caves on the sheer cliff, making it nearly impossible to be reached. Some soldiers were lowered in baskets; using grappling hooks, lances, swords, and fire were able to slowly decimate those still hiding.

There is a great trail going down the cliffs, using ropes as handholds where necessary. My left knee and leg are protesting some of the walking though, so I rode the bus down.


Capernaum.  Jesus spent some time here; there are so many more written about.
Mt. 4:12. Jesus fulfills Isaiah's prophesy.
Mt. 4:18. Again, using familiar terms, Jesus tells Simon and Andrew " Follow me and I will make you fishers of men."
Mt. 18:6. Millstone around the neck and be drowned. We've seen the millstones - not a good idea.

One additional item I didn't give much thought; when Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee, He was crossing political as well as religious lines. (Hellenism verses Jewish) Ask me about it later and I'll explain why that is important.


We had lunch at Chorazim. It was here in Jesus time, but most is from the 4th century.

The homes here are insulas; several roofed rooms clustered around an open courtyard. It is shared by two or more related families, in a patriarchal fashion.

As a son is betrothed, he leaves to add another room to his father's house. When it is completed, he comes for his bride, there is a wedding ceremony, and he takes his bride to their new home.

This clarified what Jesus said:

John 14:2 (ESV)
2 In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?

John 14:3 (ESV)
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.


First: a picture of the Jordan River.


There are two sights that may be Bethsaida; or they both might be, one being the polis (city) and one the fishing village. Peter, John and Phillip all came from here.

We studied with our feet in the cooling water.

Deut. 18:18. Deut. 34:10. Mt.4.24. Mt.5 & 6.(Hypocrites). Mt. 7:15. Ez. 34.

Notice the change in occupation? Prior: Fishers (of men) ; now Shepherds (tend my sheep)


Chow and sunset.

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