Saturday, June 30, 2012

Well we all made it! The flight was long, but Lufthansa treated us very well; others should learn from them. We had a fast sherut ride from the Tel Aviv airport to Jerusalem, and got our hotel rooms at the Knight's Palace. We had a nice meall entrees, salads, fruits and a dessert. We'll be heading to church tomorrow, then explore the old town. I'm tired , so I am going to finish this off and go to bed.

Friday, June 22, 2012

This is Chuck. This is a test since I have never blogged before.The Good Lord willing, I will be part of a group from Highline Christian Church in Burien, WA. heading for Jerusalem. We will be taking a course, "Jesus and His Times", put on by the Jerusalem University College. It's crunch time for the packing and last minute details, but it is sure exciting.